Positive Behavior Treatment
At Positive Behavior Treatment Inc., we believe that our services can benefit individuals and impact their lives for the better through science based learning and positive reinforcement. We provide Applied Behavior Analysis in English or Spanish to all children, adolescents, and adults with or without disabilities and clients in the autism spectrum.
We also offer training for parents, teachers and staff as well as consulting and supervision.
We provide telemedicine.
International and national consultations!
" Enjoy your children. Be positive with them. Spend quality time with them. Stimulate, play, embrace them. Give them your love and support as someone crucial in their development and life."
Our Mission
Founded by Jacqueline Korner in 2004, Positive Behavior Treatment has been providing high-quality services to clients in the community for 17 years. We are dedicated to helping individuals in the autism spectrum as well as neurotypically diverse individuals in making advances that improve the quality of their lives through behavior change. We strive to promote behavioral changes, deliver positive interventions that support their strengths, and create an environment that is conducive to learning. Our methods emphasize the practical application of sound and recent developments in the science of human behavior. The dignity and respect of everyone will be fostered and maintained. The individual/parents serve will be encouraged in decisions regarding care. Here at Positive Behavior Treatment, we believe that every child can reach their full potential.

Our Vision
We thrive to provide outstanding quality services and value, promote independence, and integration for the whole family so that every client's quality of life and happiness improves and they can succeed, adapt, and function in the community.
Our Philosophy
Positive Behavior Treatments Inc. is dedicated to help individuals make advances that increase their independence and improve the quality of their lives through behavior change.
We adhere to the following beliefs:
Individuals with developmental disabilities have the potential for greater independence.
Greater independence can be achieved through positive behavioral practices.
Meaningful and lasting behavior change can be achieved when positive behavioral practices are part of the individual’s interactions with family and community.
Caregivers, be the parents, teachers, direct care staff, or work site personnel, have the potential to affect the greatest change in the client's life and facilitate greater independence. Therefore, services are designed to foster caregiver independence in managing the client's behavioral needs.